Good old beloved Cat

For some reason we introduced a cat, and that cat got abused? I’m not sure. I wasn’t a drinker at the time these strips were published. I made up for that for about fifteen straight years after Flatliner ended but hey, it was funny to picture me as an angry drunk at the time.

We did not see the Lizzie McGuire movie. We were not fans of the Lizzie McGuire TV Show. But it was the sort of thing we would get up to- fascination on a media franchise that was targeted solidly outside our age group.

The poster changes in each of these strips. This theoretical place we lived was evidently the battleground in some decor war that did not end in a “line drawn down the center” gag. Well, it probably did. But not getting to it sooner (if it did) was extremely out of character for me. I love dumb sitcom tropes.

I’m just not bothering with misplaced bubbles. Why fix them now?
These days theatrical releases are a dying thing and you can indulge your shame in the privacy of your own home.
These days I’m just waiting to hear that they’re going to re-release the remake of Wind Waker that they already made. We live in an incredible future.


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