We’re firing on all cylinders in these strips. For what it’s worth these were published on March 15-20 of 2003. We hit the comic shop, Brigham’s- a place neither of us worked at in quite some time, and the couch.
The couch may be a constant across many parallel universes. That would really tie things up nicely. Unfortunately that was not even close to being anywhere on my mind. I might have wrangled this strip into the post-Sliders pre-Multiverse of Madness dimension hopper of its day if I’d been a little more prescient, or had run the series for like two weeks longer than I did.
I used to love throwing “you can call that– aPEELing” as some kind of net to catch any other falling punchline. It’s pretty effective, so it was rarely used in Flatliner.
Some of that new content I’ve been going on about is nearly upon us. Not to totally reveal what it is but I sure hope you like references to video games from the GameCube era. We sure don’t have enough of that around here.