I tues tues tues you

Hello, it’s Tuesday! (I’m writing this on Monday, so I miss out on all the fun.)

I actually kind of like all three of today’s strips. In retrospect I do not recall if the car game where you punch the ceiling after seeing a car with one headlight typically had a strip- element to it or if that was just something that happened in our odd little circle.

I have, since that first bonus post a week and a half ago, streamed at least one SSBU match every day at around 6 AM EST to my twitch channel. I’m hoping I will start to recognize and develop rivalries with people by playing at what is probably the same low volume hour every day. Feel free to check out the highlights and much more noticeable lowlights over there. http://twitch.tv/jasonbowie.

If you were in Jen’s car, she was going to make you take off your clothes.
Claiming that an inanimate object bit you is funny to this day
The fake flashback had already been done better elsewhere, but as a cop out, that was innovation.


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