I finally took some time away from updating this site. It went completely unnoticed because of two very important factors. First, this site will continue through with Flatliner through December 14th even if I get hit by a bus tomorrow. The second, and much more important factor is that no one reads this site.
Marty comes down from his fantasy and we see him at dinner with Todd after work. Marty is incapable of keeping his mouth shut when it matters. So not only does he tell Todd about all the promotion, he immediately goes on to describe his fantasy with needless details, including Todd’s misfortune.
More of Marty’s mental goings-on are forthcoming, though I don’t think that would have continued to happen as often as the focus shifted away from him and on to the relationship between he and Chip. Chip was intended to be a main character. The world they live in has taken a back seat to Marty’s surroundings to establish his jackassery for this first and only installment.