One thing I could have been doing this whole time is reading the script after I go out of my way to load it up, save a copy, remove most pages, then convert it to an image file. But where would the fun be in that?
This is a relatively safe one, as I wrote it in 2014 when I was in a much better state of emotional maturity than when I was in 2002, where we got to see some real doozies left behind in the Flatliner universe.
Even today as I’m writing this I don’t particularly like the strip that is currently displayed on the archive. Fortunately, it will be buried under a pile of much worse strips soon enough! The same can probably say for anything I post here, in The Gurnal as the fans I have imagined have taken to calling it.
The build-up and payoff of seeing a guy get hit in a not entirely un-Yoda-like way is probably worth it in the universe where this is an actual production and not a byproduct of some demented person’s brain.
I suppose Chip is our other lead character. He and Marty, they’re going to have a lot of adventures where they’ve got to put aside their differences and work together. I wonder if I was ever going to work in that they were related, even if that makes zero sense.
Retroactively I can say that yes, I would have. It would have made for a great episode.